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0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by TiffanyCoxVirginia

Five lobed leafs. Pretty and yellow in ...

0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by greenboy798Alliance, Ohio, USA

Five main points and six smaller points

0 0 Sugar Maple tree leaf stain

Sugar Maple tree leaf stain

by GeodialistHybla Valley, Virginia, USA

Photos 1-2 (of 4) show a Sugar

1 1 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

The stem of a dried Sugar

0 1 Sugar maple

Sugar maple

by 15estonerPikesville, Maryland, USA

Brown oldish looking. Leaf is very worn out ...

0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by andoverbiologyAndover, Massachusetts, USA

This tree has just started to change color ...

0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by algot.runemanMassachusetts, USA

Tree with almost colorful flowers.

4 1 Rosy Maple Moth

Rosy Maple Moth

by BonnieLewisGeorgia, USA

The species is known for its wooly body and pink and yellow coloration, which ...

0 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by QWMomKennesaw, Georgia, USA

often spectacular, ranging from bright yellow through orange to fluorescent ...

0 0 Sugar Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree

Wisconsin, USA

It has different shades of green. The petiole is a lighter green, and the

1 0 Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple

by andoverbiologyAndover, Massachusetts, USA

This gorgeous sugar

0 0 Big Leaf Maple Leaves

Big Leaf Maple Leaves

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

It can grow to be up to 35 m tall, but more commonly grows 15 m to 20 m tall. ...

0 0 Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree

by 4D4GprojectnoahNew Maryland, New Brunswick, Canada

Red maple grows up to 20 m tall, usually ...

7 4 Eastern Fox Squirrel

Eastern Fox Squirrel

by Small WondersGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA

foods are mainly tree buds and flowers, ...

4 2 Columbia Silkmoth

Columbia Silkmoth

by 4D4GprojectnoahNew Brunswick, Canada

. The larvae of these moths are most commonly found on Ash-

11 13 Cecropia moth

Cecropia moth

by GoodyTulsa, Oklahoma, USA

these moths are most commonly found on Ash-

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