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0 0 Tag Alder

Tag Alder

by AmandaChappellNorth Carolina, USA

0 0 Hazel Alder/Tag Alder/Smooth Alder

Hazel Alder/Tag Alder/Smooth Alder

by PucaKWinder, Georgia, USA

Flowers of Alnus serrulata are unisexual. The long catkins are the male ...

4 1 Woolly Alder Aphids

Woolly Alder Aphids

by TimmehSault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada

Woolly alder aphids bunched together on an ...

0 0 Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

The seed cones and catkins of last season linger well into winter on this ...

0 0 Walnut Sphinx

Walnut Sphinx

by Gary17Minnesota, USA

. Caterpillar Hosts: Walnut and butternut (Juglans), hickory (Carya),

7 8 Columbian White-tailed Deer

Columbian White-tailed Deer

by Dennis DavenportWashington, USA

A white underside to the tail and white eye rings. It is one of the larger of ...

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