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15 5 Zera butterfly

Zera butterfly

by SckelLinhares, ES, Brazil

Small butterfly about 3 cm. Host plant: Persea america

0 0 Chestnut vine / Lizard vine

Chestnut vine / Lizard vine

by Olivia CheeSingapore, Singapore

Singapore Botanic Gardens

0 0 Tarzan vine

Tarzan vine

by andrea.schmidtAlberta, Canada

Large broad leafed vine plant

5 4 Rafflesia


by Randall LeeMalaysia

of vines in the genus Tetrastigma ...

1 0 Patma


by Arnica MontanaIndonesia

, yet both of them share similar shape and of course ... smell. Its host is ...

32 17 Rafflesia Patma

Rafflesia Patma

by Jason AlexanderWest Java, Indonesia

Tetrastigma vine. Not as big as R. ...

22 11 Rafflesia panchoana

Rafflesia panchoana

by Jhan-Curt FernándezLos Baños, Calabarzon, Philippines

its host pant (Tetrastigma sp.), with its ...

0 6 Rafflesia


by HoSabah, Malaysia

Tetrastigma (Vitaceae), spreading its ...

4 0 Rafflesia


by Bong AmbutongSabah, Malaysia

Rafflesia is a genus of flowering plants. They are found in southeastern Asia, ...

6 0 Rafflesia


by Benno IboldSarawak, Malaysia

kilograms (24 lb). It lives as a parasite on the

12 7 Rafflesia


by Marta RubioTexeiraSabah, Malaysia

true roots. It is a holoparasite of vines in the genus

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