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1 0 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by sintija.valuckaKurzeme, Latvia

Commonly known as the tinder fungus, hoof ...

1 1 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by Marek Koszorekpodkarpackie, Poland

Also known as false tinder fungus, hoof ...

1 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by MeikSchönstedt, Freistaat Thüringen, Germany

0 0 Tinder Polypore

Tinder Polypore

by CalebDanielsAthens-Clarke County, Georgia, USA

0 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by PochempieRheden, Gelderland, Netherlands

0 0 tinder fungus,

tinder fungus,

by PochempieGelderland, Netherlands

1 0 Tinder conk

Tinder conk

by nate.kielbAmherst, Massachusetts, USA

Tinder conk on a standing beech

0 0 Tinder Polypore

Tinder Polypore

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria


3 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Tinder Fungi on deadwood Birch. 3rd picture ...

0 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by sttweetsHilversum, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

0 4 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by cnhitsonAbbeville, Georgia, USA

2 2 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

growing on Birch deadwood

1 1 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

usually hardwood (deadwood)

0 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

0 0 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

Birch Polypore Fungus?

1 5 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

Thanks Lars!

0 0 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

0 0 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

0 1 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

0 3 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by Annette3Dexter Township, Michigan, USA

0 0 Tinder conk

Tinder conk

by langillestreeCharlottetown, Nova Scotia, Canada

0 0 Spotting


by J Maine, USA

Found growing on Birch. Tinder Polypore, or ...

1 0 Spotting


by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

juvenile Tinder fungus?

0 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by WandaMattQuébec, Canada

0 0 Spotting


by Nadi88Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Probably Fomes fomentarius, tinder fungus?

0 0 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by MauronRepublika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

1 0 Tinder Polypore

Tinder Polypore

by tori818Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Chelsea & Tori

1 0 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by MauronRepublika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

1 1 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by JimJohnson2Pennsylvania, USA

1 0 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by MauronRepublika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

0 0 Tinder Fungus, Hoof Fungus, Tinder Conk, Tinder Polypore or Ice Man Fungus

Tinder Fungus, Hoof Fungus, Tinder Conk, Tinder Polypore or Ice Man Fungus

by SaarbriggerTardos, Dunántúl, Hungary

white/grey. The bottom wasa little bit silky.

2 0 True Tinder Polypore

True Tinder Polypore

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Ηπείρου - Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Deciduous woodland.

1 0 True Tinder Polypore

True Tinder Polypore

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Ηπείρου - Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Deciduous woodland, on beech trunk.

1 3 Tinder Conk

Tinder Conk

by jgorneauNew York, USA

Thanks to Little Tank for ID.

0 0 Tinder fungus (Echte tonderzwam)

Tinder fungus (Echte tonderzwam)

by WilmaLenstraUtrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Forrest on a tree

0 1 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by Brett Minnesota, USA

Living on the end of a chainsaw cut aspen.

0 4 Tinder conk

Tinder conk

by Olivia Chee岡山市 (Okayama), 中国 (Chugoku Region), Japan

Handayama Botanical Gardens, Okayama

0 0 Horse Hoof Fungus

Horse Hoof Fungus

by lukegmyersMichigan, USA

sometimes called tinder fungus, or false ...

2 1 Spotting


by Zlatan CelebicAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

Large colony of tinder fungus, on a living ...

1 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by TylerJeanRockland, Ontario, Canada

used as a excellent source of tinder to ...

1 0 Tinder conk

Tinder conk

by mauna KunzahNew York, USA

This is a faded and mature specimen. As the common name implies, it may be used ...

0 0 Tinder Fungus, Hoof Fungus, Tinder Conk, Tinder Polypore or Ice Man Fungus

Tinder Fungus, Hoof Fungus, Tinder Conk, Tinder Polypore or Ice Man Fungus

by SaarbriggerDunántúl, Hungary

Large polypore fruit bodies which are shaped like a horse's hoof and vary in ...

2 0 Tinder fungus

Tinder fungus

by DespinaTsafetopoulouΘεσσαλία - Στερεά Ελλάδα, Greece

Fomes fomentarius (commonly known as the

0 0 Tinder Fungus

Tinder Fungus

by sttweetsBiedenkopf, Hessen, Germany

Found in a forest with mixture of conifers and deciduous trees.

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