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0 0 Spotting


by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

0 0 Rosmarino


by ValeriaCastellinoTorino, Piemonte, Italy

0 1 Cricket, grillo

Cricket, grillo

by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

0 0 Spotting


by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

0 1 Spotting


by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTorino, Piemonte, Italy

0 0 Spotting


by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

2 1 Echinacea


by LolesTorino, PIE, Italy

Echinacea angustifolia

0 1 Breadfruit


by Alessio Torino, PIE, Italy

5 0 Pettirosso, robin

Pettirosso, robin

by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

1 0 Cinciallegra


by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTigliole, Piemonte, Italy

2 0 Eastern grey squirrel, scoiattolo grigio

Eastern grey squirrel, scoiattolo grigio

by AlessioBlaarghFerrariTorino, Piemonte, Italy

Founded in a little garden with only two trees and other two squirrel, in

3 2 White-clawed crayfish

White-clawed crayfish

by Mattia_ZagamiPIE, Italy

from the province of Turin; otherwise it's ...

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