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2 7 Cape sand snake

Cape sand snake

by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Endemic to the Western

2 0 Spotting


by FanieWestern Cape, South Africa

2 2 Spotting


by AsimRizviCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by gillespie.amandaCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 2 Spotting


by ShriPatwardhanCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 1 Spotting


by SamanthaClothierCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

4 4 Spotting


by ShriPatwardhanCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 2 Spotting


by mbolnikCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 1 Spotting


by DebHagopianCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 1 Spotting


by JuliaKernCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by PeterEkmanCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 1 Spotting


by Wendy16Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 2 Spotting


by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Moth larvae

0 0 Monkey beetle

Monkey beetle

by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

3 0 Owl fly

Owl fly

by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

3 0 Vermiculous


by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

3 1 Unequal Haplolabida

Unequal Haplolabida

by FanieCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by lightsitesWestern Cape, South Africa

0 1 Spotting


by dpalewisWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Spotting


by MaureenKeaneCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Kirstenbosch botanical gardens, Cape Town, ...

2 0 Spotting


by MaureenKeaneCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Kirstenbosch botanical gardens, Cape Town, ...

0 0 Cape Mountain Zebra

Cape Mountain Zebra

by jwpwhiteWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape Bulbul

Cape Bulbul

by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape marguerite

Cape marguerite

by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 8 Fynbos


by Smith'sZooCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

2 8 Cape Rock Thrush (Juvenile)

Cape Rock Thrush (Juvenile)

by MaithiliSaveCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 0 Cape golden mole burrow

Cape golden mole burrow

by element12354Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape Wagtail

Cape Wagtail

by LindaKing2Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape Baboon

Cape Baboon

by LindaKing2Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape Baboon

Cape Baboon

by SanchayanSriskandarajahCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

2 0 Cape bulbul

Cape bulbul

by AdamBTCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Coastal fynbos

4 0 Spotting


by Diaz José MiguelCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa


1 0 Cape Eagle Owl

Cape Eagle Owl

by GraycarCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 1 Spotting


by Michael StrydomCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Cape Town Garden among daisy plants

10 2 Cape bunting

Cape bunting

by FanieSaldanha Bay Local Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa

1 1 Spotting


by linalexandrafisherWestern Cape, South Africa


0 0 Black mealybug predator

Black mealybug predator

by rautenbachfWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Angulate tortoise

Angulate tortoise

by FanieWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cicada


by FanieWestern Cape, South Africa

10 2 Cuckoo wasp

Cuckoo wasp

by FanieWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Cape Batis

Cape Batis

by SarahTheSlugCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

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