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3 2 Cedar


by injicaCroatia

1 0 Puffball / Puhara

Puffball / Puhara

by injicaCroatia


0 0 Ginkgo


by injicaCroatia

0 0 Brown algae

Brown algae

by injicaCroatia


0 2 Trava


by injicaCroatia

Cca. 30 cm tall very common

0 0 Crab Spider / Račji pauk

Crab Spider / Račji pauk

by injicaCroatia

Spotted on Quercus ilex.

0 0 Red alga

Red alga

by injicaCroatia

Soft coral?

0 0 Brown alga

Brown alga

by injicaCroatia

Fucus sp.

2 1 Fern / Paprat

Fern / Paprat

by injicaCroatia


0 1 European Garden Spider

European Garden Spider

by injicaCroatia


2 4 Ciripedni račić (aka vulkanići)

Ciripedni račić (aka vulkanići)

by injicaCroatia

Supralittoral rocks.

3 10 Spider / Pauk

Spider / Pauk

by injicaCroatia

It has very long palps. Euryopis sp. ?

0 0 Asparagus / Šparuga

Asparagus / Šparuga

by injicaCroatia

Meadows (Adriatic coast)

0 0 Domestic House Spider

Domestic House Spider

by injicaCroatia

On the rocky beaches of Adriatic sea.

0 0 Spotting


by injicaCroatia

Same location as the mushroom as the last spotting, something bigger than the ...

0 0 Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee

by injicaCroatia

Relatively small, at least for a third smaller that Xylocopa violacea and much ...

1 4 Kruničasti matovilac

Kruničasti matovilac

by injicaCroatia

It is a species of plant belonging to the family Valerianaceae. It grows to 40 ...

1 4 Flies / Muhe

Flies / Muhe

by injicaCroatia

Flies on someone's poo. Fly is long from 5 - 7 mm (wingspan from 12 -14 mm).

0 3 Spotting


by injicaCroatia

Pretty small, around 3 cm tall and cca. 5 cm in diameter, found on the meadow ...

0 0 Green algae / Zelena alga

Green algae / Zelena alga

by injicaCroatia

It is a species of green macroalgae of the genus Halimeda. On the photo are ...

0 0 European flat oyster / Oštriga / Kamenica

European flat oyster / Oštriga / Kamenica

by injicaCroatia

When mature, adults range from 3.8 - 11 cm across.

0 0 Spotting


by injicaCroatia

Very similar to Dolycoris baccarum apart from the coloration of legs that are ...

1 1 Adriatic Swallow-wort / Jadranski lastavičnjak

Adriatic Swallow-wort / Jadranski lastavičnjak

by injicaCroatia

It is a long-lived herbaceous perennial plant.

1 5 Spurge / Glavičasta mlječika

Spurge / Glavičasta mlječika

by injicaCroatia

Mat forming species. Composed of gray, fleshy leaves; orange-red flowers. This ...

0 0 Variable Risso

Variable Risso

by injicaCroatia

It is a species of minute sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk or micromollusk ...

0 0 Moth


by injicaCroatia

The species has a wingspan of 12–21 mm. The adults fly at night from May to ...

3 0 Cylindrical Leaf Beetle

Cylindrical Leaf Beetle

by injicaCroatia

It is a species of cylindrical leaf beetles belonging to the family ...

0 0 Basil Thyme / Kamenjarska gorska metvica

Basil Thyme / Kamenjarska gorska metvica

by injicaCroatia

It is a perennial that usually grows about 13 cm high. It prefers to grow in ...

0 0 Moth


by injicaCroatia

Around 2cm big. Hidden wings are orange-yellow. Noctua sp. ? ...

4 0 Cylindrical Leaf Beetle

Cylindrical Leaf Beetle

by injicaCroatia

It is a species of cylindrical leaf beetles belonging to the family ...

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