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Caligo eurilochus brasiliensis
Eye to eye ... But which eye? The Owl butterfly is one of the largest species that occur in Brazil, and can measure up to 180 mm wingspan. He lives near the edge of woods or among banana trees. It flies slowly at dawn and dusk. During the day, resting in the shade of the vegetation shows the hindwing, two spots ocelares, one on each wing, which resemble owl eyes with black pupil and iris clear. This adaptation serves to fool predators. The average life of an adult individual is approximately 90 days, whereas egg development until complete transformation lasts about 105 days. The caterpillar feeds on banana leaves. -
The edges of the forewings are too round for Eurilochus, as well for Caligo telamonius which has these white patches. The round edges and black spots are typical for Martia.
Cool! I photographed this near my house. They are really interesting animals!
Love these butterflies; there is a butterfly house near where I live so I've been fortunate to see them in person.