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Ganoderma sp.
A gorgeous fungus with the same coloration if not structure of a bracket fungus from the same general location ( http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/101... ). Ganoderma is a genus of polypore mushrooms which grow on wood and include about 80 species, many from tropical regions. Because of their extensive use in traditional Asian medicines, and their potential in bioremediation, they are a very important genus economically. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double walled basidiospore. They are popularly referred to as shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi, although this specimen has taken an upright form. This may be a member of the Ganoderma lucidum complex, (related to) a Lingzhi mushroom ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingzhi_mus... ).
Growing on a rotten coconut log in a large semi-urban yard & garden, near a disturbed patch of remnant lowland forest.
Last photo shows development 20 days later...
Thanks António!
Amazing S frazier,how can i miss this one,beautiful fungi,great series,congrats and thanks for sharing
I've added a 6th photo (i.e. last photo) to show the changes at 20 days on...
I think you are right S Frazier. You are welcome!
Thanks jgorneau. I'm going with Ganoderma. I've now seen several similar images...
@jgorneau Thanks, I think Ganoderma may still be a possibility. Look closely at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ganode... My spotting species grows as a bracket or shelf, as well as in this form.
Thanks Argybee & Leuba!
Hmm...thanks for the correction Argybee!
maybe it can jgorneau... http://www.positivehealth.com/img/image-...
I am gobsmacked ! unbelievably beautiful although strange ...and growing from a rotting coconut log !!!
Oh no how did I miss this!? These are amazing and so vivid.
But unfortunately Ganoderma does not grow like this.
Ganoderma sp.?
Thanks SarahHiteWhitt & VivBraznell!
Beautiful! ... and great set of images
Wonderful spotting, S Frazier! More beautiful fungi! :)
Thanks Gerardo & Nopayahnah!
Very cool!
Amazing spotting Scott grate photos!
Thanks all!
It is gorgeous. Love the third photo.
Wow impresionantes series que bello