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White-spotted Rose Beetle

Oxythyrea funesta


Family Cetoniidae, subfamily Cetoniinae. The adults appear early in the spring, they grow up to 8–12 millimetres (0.31–0.47 in) and can mostly be encountered from May through July. They are considered an insect pest that do not just feed on pollen, but rode the floral organs, especially damaging light in color buds and flowers


This beetle is present in most of Europe, in the East Palearctic ecozone and in the Near East.

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Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Thanks for the ID! Gracias por la identificación, Patricia :)

PatriciaPi 12 years ago

La planta es Lavatera cretica y el artropodo parece Oxythyrea funesta

Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Mar 31, 2012
Submitted on Apr 10, 2012

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