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Wrinkled crust

Phlebia radiata


Phlebia radiata is an orange to pink crust fungus that grows 1-10 cm or more across. It is irregular in outline and up to about 3 mm thick. The surface is wrinkled, with the wrinkles and folds radiating from a more or less central point. Occasionally developing a slightly folded-over, hairy edge.


Phlebia radiata is saprobic. It spreads itself across logs and stumps of dead hardwoods and conifers and is usually found in well wooded areas.


Spotted in Wechelerveld in rural area of Deventer, Holland. (sources:see reference and thanks Michel Beeckman for the ID)

1 Species ID Suggestions

Wrinkled crust
Phlebia radiata

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Jae 9 years ago

Thanks for the kind comments, Mark and Doreen.

doreen.chambers.14 9 years ago

Very pretty!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Brilliant folds and colour.

Spotted by

Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands

Spotted on Nov 6, 2014
Submitted on Nov 8, 2014

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