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Amata sp


about 1"


tropical forest on limestone


I spotted this at Chongzuo Eco Park. I went there to see the rare white-headed leaf monkey during the day and saw a lot of moths during the night.


Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

Thanks bayucca. It does look a lot like the one in your link but I've ID'd it just as Amata sp, if we're not really sure of the species.

KarenL 12 years ago

Very nice!

bayucca 12 years ago

The one in the link might be the same one, tagged with Armata germana (??), but also tagged mimicry, so I am not sure if this is really the correct name. Other Germanas looks different. Unfortuntaly there are tons of Amatas around. But take it as a hint.

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

崇左市, Paracel Islands

Spotted on Jan 13, 2011
Submitted on Apr 16, 2012

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