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Brown Trout; Trucha Común

Salmo trutta


The brown trout is a medium-sized fish, growing up to 14 kg and a length of about 100 cm in some localities, although in many smaller rivers, a mature weight of 1.0 kg or less is common. The spawning behaviour of brown trout is similar to that of the closely related Atlantic salmon. A typical female produces about 2,000 eggs per kg (900 eggs per lb) of body weight at spawning. Brown trout are active both by day and by night and are opportunistic feeders. While in fresh water, their diets frequently include invertebrates from the streambed, other fish, frogs, mice, birds, and insects flying near the water's surface. The brown trout has been a popular quarry of European anglers for centuries


Mountain river.


Camera Model: NIKON D300. Exposure Time: 1/15 sec., f/5.6, ISO Speed Rating: 800. Exposure Bias: 0 EV. Focal Length: 300.0 mm. No flash fired.

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Principado de Asturias, Spain

Spotted on Aug 19, 2014
Submitted on Nov 12, 2014

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