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Pitanga -Surinam Cherry

Eugenia uniflora


A plant in the family Myrtaceae, it is a large shrub or small tree with a conical form, growing slowly to 8 meters in height. The leaves are glossy green, up to 4 cm long, and new leaves are copper-colored. Fragrant white flowers mature into reddish fruits up to 2 cm in diameter. The taste ranges from sweet to sour, depending on the cultivar and level of ripeness (the darker red to black range is quite sweet, while the green to orange range is strikingly tart). The Surinam Cherry is often used in gardens as a hedge or screen. The fruit is high in Vitamin C, and its predominant food use is as a flavoring and base for jams and jellies.


Native to tropical America. Known as Pitanga throughout Brazil or Ñangapirí in surrounding countries, The tree was introduced to Bermuda for ornamental purposes but is out of control, and is now listed as invasive in Bermuda.

1 Species ID Suggestions

jprat001 12 years ago
Surinam Cherry?
Eugenia uniflora

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tibiprada 12 years ago

asergio, make sense .. Thanks.

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Tibiprada, when this fruit ripes it becomes very fragile, and so it is very hard to take to a market without crushing it.

tibiprada 12 years ago

Yes, it is very sweet with a back mint flavor. love it I
just wondering why it isn't in grocery store?

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Pitanga. A very common fruit in Brazil, very, very tasty.

tibiprada 12 years ago

By mistake .. ate it ! Still alive .

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 15, 2012
Submitted on Apr 18, 2012

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