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Red mulberry

Morus rubra


Medium-sized deciduous tree to 41 feet, with milky sap. Leaves are alternate, simple, rough on top, but softer below. Edges have teeth. Leaves variable in shape from pointy-tipped ovals to lobed or mittenlike. Flowers inconspicuous, male and female on different plants. Fruit edible, purple when ripe.


Found in moist woodlands. Spotted growing on a hillside above Lake Belton, Tx.

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MeiMeiPandaBare 12 years ago

those are really yummy when they are in season!

auntnance123 12 years ago

I have a red mulberry spotting:
They are a bit different and don't turn purple when ripe. I think you may have a black mulberry here.

Spotted by

Belton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Apr 17, 2012
Submitted on Apr 19, 2012

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