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Eastern Painted Turtle

Chrysemys picta picta


Initially I guessed this might be a red-belled cooter - Pseudemys rubriventris... but the yellow spots on the back of the head make me wonder if it might be a painted turtle. (?)

2 Species ID Suggestions

Northern Red-bellied Cooter
Pseudemys rubriventris
Eastern Painted Turtle?
Chrysemys picta Eastern Painted Turtle

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maplemoth662 6 years ago

A very pretty Turtle photo....

LauraLOVESbirds 6 years ago

Thanks ForestDragon!

ForestDragon 6 years ago

This looks like an Eastern Painted Turtle to me. The yellow spots on behind the eyes are something the red-bellied cooters do not have. The carapace appearance is slightly different, as well. http://www.virginiaherpetologicalsociety...

for comparison: http://www.virginiaherpetologicalsociety...

Spotted by

Virginia, USA

Spotted on Feb 9, 2018
Submitted on Feb 9, 2018

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