Nice spotting! Rafflesia's are my favorite flower. I've been lucky enough to see 5 different species in my travels, though it hasn't been easy! I've changed this to the Plants category, because even though it is a parasite, it is still in the plant kingdom. I've also added a wiki link and put it in The Color Red and Plants of the World Missions. Welcome to Project Noah.
Yes, would love to see it someday - your photo really highlights the textures quite beautifully - the petals look velvety on the upper surface and pitted on the lower side - nice !
This is from my country... bengkulu, indonesia
My rafflesia pic:
or ( and Amorphopallus (
Hi travellingchez. Your spotting is featured in the new PN blog post via a link! Cheers
Hello. Since this is a Sumatra spotting, I've removed it from the Java mission. Cheers
Awesome !!!
Must be exciting to spot this inthe wild!
Thanks for spotting for this parasitic plants!
Thanks for the welcome Dandoucette. Still have to learn how I can add the links etc to the picture.
@ Jolly if you see the flower before it's fully open it doesn't smell. It's only when insects start rotting inside it that it starts to smell.
Nice spotting! Rafflesia's are my favorite flower. I've been lucky enough to see 5 different species in my travels, though it hasn't been easy! I've changed this to the Plants category, because even though it is a parasite, it is still in the plant kingdom. I've also added a wiki link and put it in The Color Red and Plants of the World Missions. Welcome to Project Noah.
Yes, would love to see it someday - your photo really highlights the textures quite beautifully - the petals look velvety on the upper surface and pitted on the lower side - nice !
wahhh... indonesia also have this flower... great...!!
nice timing.. i wonder hows the petal open, from that 2nd pic you have... =D
Nice spotting. Would really love to see this plant even if it stinks!
Only took me 7 years to get my timing
This is one flower that I would really love to see for myself. Lucky you!