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Pseudomantis albofimbriata.
This medium sized green female mantis is very alert. She is ready to lay another ootheca. Eyespots are false pupils and give the appearance that she is looking directly at you. The wings are half length.
such lovely detail in your photos, Martin. I like pic #5 the most - she's so fresh and crisp.
I agree entirely. They are the most unfalse looking mantids I've ever seen. Wonder who thought up that name.
Thanks argybee. I think you are correct and I have modified the ID. However, I am not pleased to call it a false mantis because it did look real.
Hey martin we might need a round-table discussion on these as we now possibly have the same creature with 3 names. Leuba did much research at one point which focussed on the small dark markings and spines (pic #4) inside the forearms and they became important to distinguish the 'false mantid' Pseudomantis albofimbriata.