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Cryptanusia albiclava


sorry the image not to good.... I crop it a lot... this little guy is about 3-4mm long..... I am curious what kind of insect is this.... this is the first time I saw this


Indonesia, Yogyakarta City

2 Species ID Suggestions

oxyjack 12 years ago
Encyrtid wasp
Cryptanusia albiclava

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28 Comments (1–25)

ChunXingWong 11 years ago

I have a similar spotting here from Borneo
Oxyjack & Bayucca, do you think that my spotting is also an Encyrtid wasp?

wow thanks..... :)

bayucca 12 years ago


oxyjack 12 years ago

We have an ID! A specialist from the British Museum of Natural History recognized this wasp. He says the antennae are used in signaling during courtship.

KarenL 12 years ago

How exciting! It would be awesome if you have discovered a new species!

Okay...I will be looking forward for any news from you
thanks a lot....

oxyjack 12 years ago

In order to confirm a new species, a specialist would definitely need at least one specimen (more than one is ideal), and exact information about where it was collected. If they determine it is unlike any other known species, they will officially describe it in a publication and the specimen will be deposited in a museum as the holotype (the official version of the species).

oxyjack 12 years ago

Actually, your English is MUCH better than my Indonesian (which I don't know at all!)

It's possible that this is a new species?? WOW ow wow!!!

I hope I can get more pictures and specimen...
yah I got to work hard because they are so tiny....... :)
and always wait for any update if you have some....
(sorry my English is not to good..)

oxyjack 12 years ago

By the way, I'm always thrilled to see the microhymenoptera represented on Project Noah. They are so easily overlooked because of their tiny size.

oxyjack 12 years ago

One of the folks I contacted has forwarded your pics to a specialist on this group who has written the key to the Indo-Australian species, so we may know soon what this guy is!

yups...Cryptanusia sp it is....

oxyjack 12 years ago

It's possible that this is a new species, but it's also possible that this is a newly-emerged adult that hasn't darkened to it's actual adult colors yet.

oxyjack 12 years ago

I would feel confident to ID it to Cryptanusia sp. All the species in that genus seem to have those crazy antennae.

yups..... seems to be close friends with Cryptanusia aureiscutellum

is anybody else see this in Indonesia? me first ?? :D :D

oxyjack 12 years ago

Good job! Looks like we're on the right track!

bayucca 12 years ago

At least Jack and I had the same family ;-)...

bayucca 12 years ago

I am pretty sure it is a Encyrtidae. Genus and species? Sorry, no IDea...
Some from Spain:

I try google for encyrtidae and I found this
but different color

oxyjack 12 years ago

You're welcome!

wow!! Thank you very very very very much............

oxyjack 12 years ago

I heard back from my friend the Hymenopterist who was in Indonesia recently. She thinks it's in the Encyrtidae. I've sent the pictures to an encyrtid specialist to see if he can ID it any further.

oxyjack 12 years ago

Karen, you've got the right Order, but this isn't an ant. This is one of the families of micorhymenoptera.

thanks... :)

KarenL 12 years ago

What an awesome looking ant! I'm sorry I can't help you with the ID but I am sure the folks at would love to see these photos & may even be able to identify it for you!
Welcome to Project Noah Ivan!

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Spotted on Apr 12, 2011
Submitted on Apr 25, 2012

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