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Wavyleaf Sea-Lavender

Limonium sinuatum


Limonium sinuatum, commonly known as wavyleaf sea-lavender, is a Mediterranean plant species in the family Plumbaginaceae. It is occasionally seen on the California coast where it is an introduced species and landscaping escapee.


The Spanish name for this flower, 'Siempreviva' means 'always alive', because when you cut its flowers, they still have the same look when they are fresh.

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The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Que bonitas, nunca las habia visto!

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Sounds like a cool plant!

Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Apr 21, 2012
Submitted on Apr 30, 2012

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