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Pampas Lily of the Valley

Salpichroa origanifolia


The plant was fragile with long delicate stems that seemed to be straggling over other plants. Leaves were small, hirsute and spade shaped. The plant had attractive globular bell-shaped white flowers with re-curved tips of petals. The stamens were fused just below a green pistil. The inside of the flower had tiny white "hairs".


Suburban garden.


My thanks again to Vinny for the ID.
Pic 4 shows a single lacewing egg attached to a flower bud !
A native of South America, this is considered a weed in temperate, semi-arid and occasionally also sub-tropical environments in Australia.
Family: Solanaceae

1 Species ID Suggestions

Vinny 10 years ago
Pampass Lilly of the Valley
Salpichroa origanifolia

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Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

Thank you Vinny. Will have to tell my sister-in-law that she's got an alien in her garden !

Vinny 10 years ago

South American import

Leuba Ridgway
Spotted by
Leuba Ridgway

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Oct 26, 2013
Submitted on Nov 29, 2013

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