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Darkling beetle

Eleodes sp.


black beetle, ~ 2-2.5 cm in length, family Tenebrionidae


weathered a'a lava flow with mixed prairie grass and stunted brush


Spotted along the path to Hospital Rock in Lava Beds National Monument in northern California. Thanks are due Project Noah member Goody for the family ID and the reference link.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Aaron_G 12 years ago
Darkling beetle
Family Tenebrionidae Family Tenebrionidae - Darkling Beetles - BugGuide.Net
BugEric 12 years ago
Darkling Beetle
Eleodes sp.

Sign in to suggest organism ID


Allen Hoof
Allen Hoof 12 years ago

BugEric - Thanks for bringing the ID to the Genus level. I've edited the spotting accordingly.

Allen Hoof
Allen Hoof 12 years ago

Goody - Thanks narrowing the ID search. I briefly wondered if this spotting was a darkling beetle, but failed to follow up. Instead I looked under carrion beetles, did not get a match, and simply posted an unknown.

Allen Hoof
Spotted by
Allen Hoof

California, USA

Spotted on May 3, 2012
Submitted on May 5, 2012

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