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White-lined Sphinx Moth

Hyles lineata


3-inch long large moth. The head is fuzzy with a large eye located on either side. The antennae are feathery and it has a long proboscis. The front wing is brown with a light brown line running the length of the wing and white stripes crossing the line. The back wing is darker with a thick pink line running the length of the wing from the body to the tip. The body of the moth is furry with white stripes running around the body. The legs are not fuzzy.


These moths are found all across the continental United States. This moth was found in our front yard in Grand Island, Nebraska at 565 masl


At first glance we thought this was a hummingbird. The movement is so fast it is really difficult to get a good view and/or picture. The moth was never still the whole time we watched it.

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Watson5 2 years ago

Thank you Leuba. We enjoyed watching it for quite awhile.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 2 years ago

Lovely shots of a handsome and very active moth ! Good notes too -thanks Watson5.

Watson5 2 years ago

Thank you Tukup!

Tukup 2 years ago

I hate it when they won't hold still :-) Nice catch Watson5. Great series and great notes. Thanks for sharing.

Spotted by

Grand Island, Nebraska, United States

Spotted on May 17, 2022
Submitted on Jul 27, 2022

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