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Fish-eating anemone

Urticina piscivora


Urticina piscivora is a large anemone, growing to a maximum height of around 20 cm and 10 cm in diameter. The column is bright red in colour. The acontia is absent, but it has tubercles. These are not white and are arranged in circumferential rows. Normally they do not accumulate debris such as shells and sand. As its name suggests, this species is capable of capturing and consuming small fishes and shrimp.


This species occurs from Alaska in the north, down to La Jolla, California in the south. Subtidal zone. It attaches itself to rocky prominences in locations with a substantial current flowing past.

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The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

San Francisco, California, USA

Spotted on Sep 15, 2014
Submitted on Nov 30, 2014

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