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Castiarina punctatosulcata
About 14mm long. Feeding on various flowers including a Daucus-like plant and some large Asteraceae.
In a local nature reserve.
Compare with http://researchdata.museum.vic.gov.au/pa...
I go to the museum with Geoff and Ken (both Walkers, co-incidentally) on some Mondays (inc. this Monday) when bush walking is less productive. It's the time for research. I've been able to ID several species
It is a great thing to have two expert ears.
Someone only identified as ento2 changed my Castiarinas on Natureshare. Certainly sounded confident and proved correct.
I think there's probably much to be gained by knowing the targets, watching the climate develop and being ready to travel. So winter is for planning then. There are other genus (near Castiarina) to be explored?
That is the name I have. I do love this beetle. I will look closely at Castiarina this summer as Paropsines are almost exhausted. Problem is the season is so short, and fickle. I think I already have errors in this Genus. Barkers Castiarina book is difficult to follow because it has drawings, . I have the ear of two extant experts now.
Name changed.
Excellent find and clear shots.. I love the red marking - much better defined than the colouring in C. sexplagiata.