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White-fronted Parrot

Amazona albifrons


Photo take at the Marin gardens this two arrive to a a tree next to chit palm and star to fight doing a loud noise i have them right there in front very close. I notice they have rings on their legs so they most escape from some resort or park near. This species is named for the bright white patch of feathers on their foreheads, although the amount of white varies from individual to individual. They have mostly green plumage with some blue colouring on their outspread wings. They have bright red coloring around their eyes and blue coloring behind the patch of white on their foreheads. Wikipedia.


Found on tropical and subtripical areas in Central America and México.

1 Species ID Suggestions

White-fronted Parrot
Amazona albifrons

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Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Thanks East End and Seema!

Seema 12 years ago


East End aka Lorelei
East End aka Lorelei 12 years ago

Lovely series!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Thanks Anne Marie!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Gracias Marcelo!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Pero en algunos hoteles de lujo en los jardines tienen pavoreales tucanes y pavos de monte que estan libres con todas las comodidades posibles no se si es legal es una buena pregunta.

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

No lo creeo harsuame me estaba haciendo la misma pregunta cuando vi los anillos.

Anne Marie McCaffrey
Anne Marie McCaffrey 12 years ago

Es legal tener a especies nativos en cautiverio?

rutasandinas 12 years ago

Preciosas loras muy bellas

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Thanks Marie Anne!

MarceloCamacho 12 years ago

Belíssima série! Ave linda e fotos ótimas! Parabéns!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Spotted by
Gerardo Aizpuru


Spotted on May 11, 2012
Submitted on May 11, 2012

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