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Monarch butterfly

Danaus plexippus




My back yard

1 Species ID Suggestions

Monarch butterfly
Danaus plexippus

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KarenL 12 years ago

Hi Anna & welcome to Project Noah!
Shekainah has correctly identified this for you so you can go ahead & add the correct common & scientific names in edit. I have move this to the arthropods category for you.
As Liam has advised, you should create a separate spotting for the fish & then delete that photo from this spotting.

The butterfly is a monarch butterfly and the fish seem like goldfish...

Liam 12 years ago

Welcome to Project Noah! I suggest splitting the two photos into separate spotting so that they can be ID'd individually.

Spotted by

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on May 8, 2012
Submitted on May 9, 2012

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