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Green sea turtle

Chelonia mydas


The green sea turtle is a sea turtle, possessing a dorsoventrally flattened body covered by a large, teardrop-shaped carapace and a pair of large, paddle-like flippers. It is usually lightly colored, although parts of the carapace can be almost black in the eastern Pacific. Unlike other members of its family, such as the hawksbill sea turtle and loggerhead sea turtle, C. mydas is mostly herbivorous. The adults commonly inhabit shallow lagoons, feeding mostly on various species of seagrasses. [6]


Its range extends throughout tropical and subtropical seas around the world, with two distinct populations in the Atlantic nd Pacific Oceans.


Spotted this turtle while diving of the coast of Kona Hawaii. About 60 ft down.

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Spotted on Aug 31, 2011
Submitted on May 12, 2012

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