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Horned Treehopper

Cebes transiens


A brown treehopper about 5 mm long. The pronotum had thorn-like extensions laterally and a central slightly raised part extending down the back along the midline. A small white speck was seen on either side of the the midline just posterior to the pronotum. Posterior to the eye, on each side, was an irregular patch of white.
Membranous wings were brown. Legs and eyes were dark.


Spotted on acacia wattle in a reserve.


Treehoppers are hemipterans that feed on plant sap. While there treehoppers are seen on herbaceous plants, the adults prefer hard wood plants.
Family: Membracidae

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1 Comment

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Well done. Hard to get clear shots of these busy little bugs.

Leuba Ridgway
Spotted by
Leuba Ridgway

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Nov 25, 2014
Submitted on Nov 30, 2014

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