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Red-naped Sapsucker ~ Female

Sphyrapicus nuchalis


a Great Basin representative of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker comples. Closely resembles the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and hybridize with them. Summers from Northern Arizona up thru Utah, Montana, Colorado Wyoming and lower Alberta.


Aspen parkland, Deciduous groves adjacent to conifer and montane areas; seen here in an Aspen tree


These are a pair of mating Sapsuckers. She is distinguished by a white chin and less red in all areas, lighter breast color while male tends to show yellow under belly and strong red, chin no white. Seen here in pic #4 after mating! which i recorded in this digital canon Rbl T3 during an Audubon scheduled birding event today ~ not far from the Stillwater River at Nye.

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Montana, USA

Spotted on May 19, 2012
Submitted on May 20, 2012

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