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Club-spined Scale Worm

Gastrolepidia clavigera


A commensal worm covered with elytra (scale-like attachments, hence the name). It is very flat and possesses multiple appendages; colors vary from white to dark brown -- probably for camouflage. They feed on zooplankton and on their host, and grow to about 2cm in length. Also known as Clavigera Worm, Polynoid Scale Worm, Commensal Scale Worm, Sea Cucumber Scale Worm.


Found in the Pacific Ocean, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Ceylon, Madagascar and Zanzibar, at depths of 1 to 30m. Usually attached to sea cucumbers.


I spotted this critter on an eyed sea cucumber at a depth of about 4m during a day dive. It looked and moved somewhat like a centipede.


Blogie 12 years ago

Thanks again, Jolly!! :)

Maybe you could help me with another cowrie? Not quite sure about this one:

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 12 years ago

You can also find it here:

Spotted by

Davao Del Norte, Philippines

Spotted on May 19, 2012
Submitted on May 23, 2012

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