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Black hooded Golden Oriole

Oriolus xanthornus


The male is striking, with the typical oriole black and yellow coloration. The plumage is predominantly yellow, with a solid black hood, and black also in the wings and tail centre. The female Black-hooded Oriole is a drabber bird with greenish underparts, but still has the black hood. Young birds are like the female, but have dark streaking on the underparts, and their hood is not solidly black, especially on the throat. The black head of this species is an obvious distinction from Golden Oriole, which is a summer visitor to northern India. Orioles can be shy, and even the male may be difficult to see in the dappled yellow and green leaves of the canopy. The Black-hooded Oriole's flight is somewhat like a thrush, strong and direct with some shallow dips over longer distances.

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Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Lovely color combination,

alicelongmartin 12 years ago


Wild Things
Wild Things 12 years ago

Handsome fellow!

Spotted by

Murwara, India

Spotted on May 1, 2012
Submitted on May 31, 2012

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