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Krefft's Turtle (adult)

Emydura krefftii


10/11/12 - New shots (1-3) added. These pics were taken on 30/6/12 but I have uploaded them today in honour of Excalibur's release. He will go back to the wild tomorrow, along with baby Krefft's Turtle Franklin (seen in Shot 3 and at 5/6/12 - This adult Krefft's Turtle (Shots 4-6), named Excalibur, came into our care last week. Its shell is cracked and it also has a strange almost perfectly round hole which is a bit soft around the edges. It was found in northern Brisbane; we are not sure how its injuries came about. It is the biggest Krefft's Turtle my husband has ever seen... which is funny since we are also currently caring for the smallest Krefft's Turtle he's ever seen!

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1 Comment

ShannaB 12 years ago

New pics added. Excalibur will be released back into the wild tomorrow following successful rehabilitation. Our pond is very empty tonight!

Spotted by

4573, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jun 5, 2012
Submitted on Jun 13, 2012

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