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Cercopis sp.
Mediterranean meadow
The differences between C. intermedia, sanguinolenta and vulnerata:
But still I'm not sure between arcuata and sanguinolenta.
Hello! I did little reaserach, and I'm not sure, both species you suggested look identical! I think I'll change ID at genus level...I don't believe too much in internet ID, there's full of wrong ID, the guides are better :) thank you!
Certainly a Cercopis sp. but I am not really sure about the species. It is also not a challenge of your ID, just me being a little bit picky as I am sometimes on Project Noah ;-)...
There are 2 other very similar species and range is probably also not really a reliable criteria. Please, check again: Cercopis arcuata and Cercopis intermedia.
If you feel comfortable with C. sanguinolenta, take it, for me it would be OK. Personally I am just not sure enough.