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Autochton cellus
Wings are dark brown-black. Forewing has a wide yellow band, and a small white patch near the apex. Underside is dark brown with 2-3 darker bands; hindwing margin may have gray overscales. Wing Span: 1 3/8 - 2 inches (3.5 - 5.1 cm). Life History: Adults are active in the late afternoon. To seek females, males perch in gullies on rocks or up to 6 feet above ground on vegetation. Females lay eggs in strings of 2-7 at the base of host plant leaflets. Caterpillars live in shelters of rolled or tied leaves and emerge at night to feed on leaves. Chrysalids hibernate. Flight: Two broods; from May-August in the north, April-September in the south. One brood from June-September in southern Arizona.
Damp, wooded ravines with permanent water sources.
Hesperiidae, Spreadwing Skipper. Autochton sp., looks like Autochton cellus, the Golden-banded Skipper.