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Ectophylla alba
Also known as the Caribbean White Tent-making Bat, it is one of only six species of bat that has white fur out of the approx. 1,300 known species of bat worldwide.These guys are pretty small with a head and body length of only 37-47mm (1.5 - 1.9") and weigh in at 5-6 g (0.18-0.21 oz). The body is entirely white shading to grey at its posterior. The ears, nose leaf and lips are yellow and the wing membranes are black.
Found here in Costa Rica in the Tapanti National Park area in damp conditions near a stream. The name 'Tent-making' is well suited as these guys cut the main vein of big Heliconia leaves making the leaves fold over on themselves creating a tent like structure under which the bats roost. This one was found about 2m off the ground. This species is also found in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
This interesting little bat is a fruit eater specializing in figs. The yellow colour in its skin is thought to derive from carotenoids from its diet.
Thank you Bernadette, Chritine, Jim, Rach and Jamie all for your kind and supportive comment on this spotting. They are most appreciated.
Congrats on SOTD, well deserved
Congrats, beautiful bat's!
Thank you Antonio and Sergio for your supportive comments. Much appreciated.
Thank you Daniele for this SOTD. It is much appreciated. It's good to be back. New Year through Easter is always a crazy busy time for me. I look forward to posting more and seeing the marvels other members have posted.
Congrats, Robert.
Great series Robert,good to have you back,with your awesome spottings :-) congrats on the SOTD and thanks for sharing
Nice to have you back Robert, and congratulations, your Honduran White Bats are our Spotting of the Day:
Stunning creatures - they almost look to fantastical to be real. Nature is amazing. Another great spotting.
Very interesting spotting, Robert. These guys look like miniature pigs!
Amazing! They are so very cute!
Fantastic spotting! Nice photos and great info. Thanks for sharing. :-)
Thank you Felix.
Awesome find!
Thank you Neil, Sukanya and Jordi for your comments. These little guys were amazing. I think anything that is naturally pure white in nature is fascinating. Unfortunately these guys are very food specific which does put them at risk as forest is cleared.
Great finding Triggsturner!
White bats...must be spooky seeing then fly in the dark....nver knew. Thanks for posting.
Spectacular spotting, Rob. They are so beautiful... and small. Not unlike our micro bats in Australia, colour aside.