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Spiny Basket tail

Epitheca spinigera

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1 Comment

Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 12 years ago

This is one of baskettail dragonflies, unfortunately it is hard to tell which one of two species it could be: spiny or beaverpond. I know it isn't a common baskettail as it doesn't have the shading at the base of the hindwings. To determine whether it is a spiny, one almost has to look at the tip of the abdomen from the side to find the tiny spine. This usually requires the specimen to be inhand and the use of a handlens; the spine is tiny! I'd label this as a Baskettail Dragonfly, Epitheca sp.

You can see the spine (barely) in this sequence that I took of a spiny basskettail:

Nice shot by the way!

Spotted by

Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Jun 16, 2012
Submitted on Jul 6, 2012

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