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Two Striped Jumper

Telamonia dimidiata


Females can reach a body length of 9–11 mm, males can reach a length of 8–9 mm. The female is light yellowish, with a very white cephalus and red rings surrounding the narrow black rings round the eyes. Two longitudinal bright red stripes are present on the opisthosoma.The male is very dark, with white markings, and red hairs around the eyes. The species is non-venomous.


The two-striped jumper, or Telamonia dimidiata, is a jumping spider found in various Asiantropical rain forests, in foliage in wooded environments.


1 Species ID Suggestions

Two-striped jumper
Telamonia masinloc Telamonia masinloc

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1 Comment

EdGarcellano 12 years ago

Thank you Chun Xing Wong

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Spotted on Jan 20, 2012
Submitted on Jun 25, 2012

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