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Lathyrus latifolius
athyrus latifolius has winged hairless stems, and alternating blue green compound leaves consisting of a single pair of leaflets and a winged petiole about 2" long. The leaflets are narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, smooth along the margins, hairless and up to 3" long and 1" across. There is a branched tendrils between the leaflets. The flowers are unscented, are about ¾–1" across, with an upper standard and lower keel, enclosed by lateral petals. There are 5 petals, which are purplish pink, fading with age. There is a green calyx with 5 teeth, often unequal. The blooming period lasts about 2 months during the summer and early autumn. The flowers are replaced by hairless flattened seedpods, about 2" long and ½" wide, with several seeds inside. The seedpod, which is initially green, gradually turns brown, splitting open into curled segments, flinging out the seeds. The seeds are dark and oblong to reniform in shape.
Hedges, vineyards, fields and uncultivated places
I hesitate between L. latifolius which is a perennial or L. odoratus an annual plant but due to broad leaves I bet for L. latifolius.