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Otiorhynchus sp.


Maybe Otiorhynchus ligustici?

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Jeannette 12 years ago

Thank you again Willie :)

williefromwi 12 years ago

wonderful series

Jeannette 12 years ago

I couldn't find him, but I found so many other lovely things :)

Jeannette 12 years ago

Added 2 more, not the best...

Jeannette 12 years ago

I know, I think I have one from yesterday... just checking

bayucca 12 years ago

Straight from the top. I know it is not always easy to get these, maybe you try to go with ISO 800 so that you have a shorter time. If you have such tiny bugs even the moving of the camera during the click might make the shot unsharp (at least when I click...).

Jeannette 12 years ago

You think I should try?

How should I photograph him then?

bayucca 12 years ago

Why not, maybe he is showing up specially for you...

Jeannette 12 years ago

Hehe, I don't think I can find him today ;-)

bayucca 12 years ago

Only one way to find out: Go out and try other shots from allover the bug...

bayucca 12 years ago

Neither me, sorry!

Jeannette 12 years ago

Thank you Maria :)

@ bayucca, I really don't know which species it is. I think you are right about the stribes, but can't find others who look like it.

bayucca 12 years ago

Hmm... At first sight I would also say Otiorhynchus sp. and Ligustici is very close. But look at the median part. Isn't there in all Ligustici a "dark" stripe in the middle? In your I only see a very thin dark line and a brighter stripe on both sides of the median line. In my eyes there a 5 darker "stripes" in Ligustici, 1 thicker in the middle and 2 thinner ones at each side. I have some doubts if this is really Ligustici and then also about the genus. What do you think??

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

nice one!

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Spotted on Jun 22, 2012
Submitted on Jun 22, 2012

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