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Yellow-banded millipede/Gongolí bandiamarillo

Anadenobulus monilicornis

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Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 10 years ago

Hi llortizgarcia, sorry for the suggestion!

Unfortunately, the links to your videos were not working, though I did find this one which is very nice:

I have found a very similar millipede in which has red bands instead of yellow bands, and it is so similar, it even has the pinkish legs:

It is very nice to hear from you as well. :-)

llortizgarcia 10 years ago

Hello Jakubko. Thanks for your suggestion. I knew about the scientific name and last night I wrote it on the space provided for it, but for some reason it did'nt show. Any way the link is a good reference. Here are two links to local videos I found. Both are in spanish, but you will enjoy the visual aspect.

The Smithsonian has been studying the DNA of the species.

We commonly refer to it with the african word "gongolí".

It is a pleasure to communicate with you.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 10 years ago

Hello llortizgarcia, what a gorgeous millipede! Did you know the ID of the spotting, and just forgot to add the scientific name? If that is the case, I will delete my suggestion since you knew what it was, but if you didn't know the ID, I will keep the suggestion up so you can see the reference link and read about its recent introduction into Florida.

Spotted by

Buena Vista, Puerto Rico, USA

Spotted on Dec 7, 2013
Submitted on Dec 7, 2013

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