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Crested Eagle

Morphnus guianensis


A male responding to tape playback landing in the crowns of trees.


Near Threatened (IUCN). Female seen carrying Silky anteater one week prior close to this site, nesting presumed. Full report read on Birding Brazil Tours link

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Hi Heather, thank you very much for your kind comment. I created the mission Birds of Brazil, please take a look at My recordings can be accessed at the British Library of Natural Sounds, the DVD-rom "Birds of Brazil - Songs, Calls and Photos" and the CD "Voices of Brazilian Amazon". New videos I'll add on YouTube. Cheers.

HeatherMiller 12 years ago

Andrew - your collection is fabulous! You have a great eye and I love looking at your photos - all of them so far. I do hope you create a mission as Karen suggests. I want to see more of your fabulous photos. You can include sounds as well if you put them on Youtube or some other place, and link to them.

Thanks Karen and Nuwan. Karen also thanks for encouraging me to create a mission. I enjoyed a lot the Project Noah objective of help people reconnect with nature. I'm always glad to help the scientific and community knowledge and conservation efforts. Cheers.

NuwanChathuranga 12 years ago

great shot!

KarenL 12 years ago

Great timing!
You have a wonderful collection Andrew!

AM, Brazil

Spotted on Jun 21, 2012
Submitted on Jul 7, 2012

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