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Sympetrum rubicundulum
The Ruby Meadowhawk is found in northern United States and southern Ontario, Canada. Adult males are identifiable by a distinctive orange to brown face and red bodies.
Thanks OneArseneWenger!
This is my favorite!
Thank you KarenL!
Hi Brian, unfortunately I don't have any birds-eye-view photos...the dragonfly was (for the most part) above me. A weeks would be today, if it doesn't rain I might head on over and try to shoot the red males...with my camera. Thanks for the tip!
Great macro Courtney!
Hi - Your great shots are of a teneral or a female Ruby Meadowhawk. Check out this reference - http://bugguide.net/node/view/5196. Well seen and captured, As a tip, for Dragonfly ID a top view from the back often provides more ID clues than the more artistic perspectives - the side view is important too and this dragonfly has recently emerged in NE OH and is one of our most common. revisit this place in a week or so to see the bright red males- they are fun to shot (with a camera) (smile) - Brian
Thank you, SuzetteBrand.
Gorgeous shot - I love dragonflies
Can anyone help ID this dragonfly?
Thanks very much LarsKorb :D
@MarcoSepulvedaLeón I use a Cannon Rebel XTI with a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro lens.
Perfect shot, perfect composition. 100 pts, Courtney :D
Wow... with the mantis, this species is one of my favorites! What kind of camera you have? Good night...
Thank you AngelChandler!
Fantastic closeup!