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House sparrow

passer domesticus


This house sparrow called my attention for two reasons: 1) It was taking a bath in the melting ice at the bottom of one of Bariloche´s highest mountain, the "Cerro Catedral". 2) I learned that in Montevideo, house sparrow´s number is declining and one can tell from the number of them seen in the past and the number seen today and so I thought it was interesting to observe that there are plenty in this area; where pigeons are not seen as much (it is said that they are competing with the house sparrow, for what I know).

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MayraSpringmann 11 years ago

Que fofinho!!!

patty 12 years ago

O´brigada Mayra! Sim, e gelo. A agua até que estava "quentinha" comaprada com o gelo. Tinha neve e gelo no lugar (era numa montanha), mais o calor concentrou ali, esquento o gelo, derreteu e temperatura subiu nesse pequeno "semi-- estanque" e os passarinhos aproveitaram para tomar banho mesmo no frío porque a temperatura exterior era negativa e tinha muito vento (a gente estava no lado do pico mais alto das montanhas que tem perto de Bariloche). Um abraco

MayraSpringmann 12 years ago

Lovely! Aquilo e gelo?

Spotted by

San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina

Spotted on Jul 12, 2012
Submitted on Jul 12, 2012

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