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Leaffooted bug nymph


Leaffooted bugs are so called because of the leaflike shape of their rear legs. But this nymph has them on the FRONT legs. Some sources I found on the internet say this is a Acantocephala sp. nymph, but they aren't very conclusive. I hope someone can tell me if they are right.

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bayucca 10 years ago

Interesting observation, Sergio! Indeed most of the Coreidae has their "flags" at the hindlegs. Another one from Asia:

ToshimiDowaki 10 years ago

I agree Luis. Wonderful spotting!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

This spotting is amazing! I've never seen the front legs like this. Congrats Sergio.

Sergio Monteiro
Spotted by
Sergio Monteiro

Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Spotted on Dec 14, 2013
Submitted on Dec 16, 2013

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