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Chimango caracara

milvago chimango


The chimangos can be seen in forests around the andean region of the Río Negro province in Argentina. While walking around the calm and snowy region one can see many of them flying, sitting on branches of trees or wires and even walking on the floor trying to gather some food. As specialized books about birds suggests, chimangos seem to move in flocks and once one is spotted, many can be seen around.


In this case they were spotted in a very cold and snowy winter day next to the mountains and in the forests that can be found in "Villa Angostura", Neuquen province, Argentina.

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patty 12 years ago

O´brigada Mayra; eu gostei também. O lugar e maravilhoso e as arvores e pássaros que tem por ali também =).

MayraSpringmann 12 years ago

Wow Patty, grande serie!

Spotted by

Neuquén, Argentina

Spotted on Jul 10, 2012
Submitted on Jul 15, 2012

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