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Red-legged Partridge

Alectoris rufa


It is a rotund bird, with a light brown back, grey breast and buff belly. The face is white with a black gorget. It has rufous-streaked flanks and red legs. When disturbed, it prefers to run rather than fly, but if necessary it flies a short distance on rounded wings. This is a seed-eating species, but the young in particular take insects as an essential protein supply. The call is a three-syllable ka-chu-chu. (Wikipedia)


This species breeds on dry lowlands, such as farmland and open stony areas, laying its eggs in a ground nest.

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Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Barbate, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Jul 5, 2012
Submitted on Jul 15, 2012

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