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Ghost Catfish

Kryptopterus minor


K. bicirrhis is transparent except for the head, bones, and the internal organs which are located directly behind the head. They are transparent because, like all catfish, they are scaleless, and catfish within the genus Kryptopterus lack body pigment. When struck by light, they show an iridescence, and when dead, they turn milky white. They have two long barbels, which are as long again as the body in front of the anal fin. The dorsal fin is reduced to a tiny triangle, and the pectoral fins are longer than the head.


Native to western Borneo, these catfish prefer tanks with open swimming areas with a moderate current, and planted areas to provide shelter. Timid and non-aggressive fish, they should always be kept as a group of at least five, and can be kept with other fish species of similar size and temperament.


Photographed at Aquatic Critter, Nashville, TN

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LisaPowers 12 years ago

Thanks Rob!

LisaPowers 12 years ago

Thanks Ashish! They are very neat freshwater fish.

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

exact Glass texture.... wonderful...

Spotted by

Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee, USA

Spotted on Jul 17, 2012
Submitted on Jul 17, 2012

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