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I was on one of my trips to the Blue Mountains NSW Australia and saw this Fungi on the branch of a dead tree just off the walkway to one of the main lookouts in Katoomba. I had just finished photographing the bright orange fungi when I noticed this fungi on another dead tree in the same area, the colour is exactly as it appears in the image, it was about 2.5 to 3cm from the branch and about 5cm across the branch. Once again I didn't touch it so its texture I am not sure about but it appeared to be firm to woody. It had been raining for about a week before the sighting on and off and on the day the sun was in and out of the clouds, it was muggy day in January and we found a lot of other fungi on the same day. I use the Atlas of Living Australia and Australian Museum to identify my images but was unable to find a match for this fungi so hope that someone can help.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jellis 12 years ago
Bracket Fungus
Ganoderma applanatum

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1 Comment

TerrenceJMacCabe 12 years ago

Thanks Jellis, I have a new passion thanks to Noah, appreciate the input, Cheers, Terry.

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Jan 5, 2012
Submitted on Jul 28, 2012

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