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Blue-vented Hummingbird

Amazilia saucerrottei hoffmanni


Thank you to FaredinAliyevski for the ID of this beautiful Hummingbird. It is so nice that after all this time I finally got an ID.


Blue-vented Hummingbird (Amazilia saucerrottei hoffmanni or A. hoffmanni, syn. A. sophiae - Cabanis & Heine, 1860) Range: Western Nicaragua and west and central Costa Rica.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Green Violet-ear
Colibri thalassinus
Blue-vented Hummingbird
Amazilia saucerrottei hoffmanni Steely-vented Hummingbirds (Amazilia saucerrottei)

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Thank you so much, FaredinAliyevski.
I have been searching for the ID of this beauty for a year without luck, thank you so very much.

FaredinAliyevski 11 years ago

Hi Gilma, your beautiful hummingbird looks like it's from a species divided into 4 different subspecies depending on their range and the one I suggested is the only one found in Costa Rica. But please verify it, the tail should have a slight 'V' shape but can't see from your photos and if you have more photos of this bird then please check the tail shape. If it has the V shape then it's the right species for sure.

Wold anyone her can ID this gorgeous Hummingbird?

Thank you extrebirder, I checked some of the pictures and the Green Violet-ear Hummingbirds do not have the bright blue tail, perhaps some do but I can not find them?

I have more Hummingbird spottings is there anyone there that could help?

Costa Rica

Spotted on Jun 1, 2012
Submitted on Aug 21, 2012

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